There's really nothing
extraordinary about me. I have nothing to give God but myself and I give it all to Him. I'm a work of His amazing grace that He continues to pour, refine and reshape, and for that, I'm forever grateful...
I love to write and lead worship! I write songs, blogs, bible studies, musicals and poems. I love the Lord and have an overwhelming desire to write about His attributes and His teachings from His Word. I'm a Worship Leader in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Founder of CNOW, INC., which stands for City Night of Worship.
I pray as you go through my site, that you feel God's presence and sense His stirring for you. If you ever want to know more, please go to the contact page and shoot me an email. Would love to hear from you!
God Bless you and thanks for staying awhile.
May all who enter be blessed!
Amy Frazier

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Worship Song
Sinking Deep


Jeep Wrangler - white exterior/brown leather interior heated seat option,
tri-top, 4x4

Amy singing "Rattle" with First Worship